Saturday, October 7, 2017

Lifelong Learning

My fiancé and I recently found someone's iPhone in a cart at the grocery store. He actually found it and brought it home to ask me what we should do about it. He wanted to keep it after seeing some rude messages on the screen of the iPad from the owner, who assumed someone stole it and was keeping it, and they were offering a cash reward for the return of the phone. We aren't sure how long the phone was left in the cart. I was able to figure out how to call the owner from a phone number on the screen and talk to her. She answered the phone with a very bad attitude it I was able to assure her that we found her phone and wanted to return it to her and did not want any money for it. We returned the phone and my fiancé and I both came away from the situation with some frustration but perhaps some kind of lesson. This situation arose because God puts people in our lives in order for us to learn something. The experience helped me share some strong feelings I have about integrity and honesty and always doing the right thing even if you get no reward. I shared with him something I learned which is that God wants us to learn from others. I shared with him the article by Henry B Eyering, "Do what they think you can't do". We both were able to share some goals we have about what we want to achieve and that we can indeed acheive them because we are children of God. We both agree that we were meant to find the phone so that we could learn about each other's values and how we can be better to other people. I hope the owners of the phone learned from the experience as well, perhaps to not jump to conclusions so quickly and not to be so rude in text messages assuming we had stolen the phone. I'm grateful for the Savior and his atonement especially when we face temptation to do things the wrong way. I'm grateful that I can learn anything I want to and I feel strong knowing I have the Spirit to teach me.

Inviting the Spirit- Goals

I use this blog to help invite the Spirit. I try my best to use media appropriately though sometimes I get caught up in junk news or articles that impede the Spirit. I know that blessings come from using media to invite the companionship of the Spirit into our lives. I plan to give my Facebook account a good makeover to be sure to delete anything that impedes the Spirit and I plan to use it better in the future.

Thinking about something I'd really like to learn and there are so many things. One of those things I'd like to learn is sign language. I work with abused children and some clients are deaf. I would love to be able to communicate with. Ore people, especially the kids I come across at work or in my daily life. I also think it would be really nice to develop a skill or talent to share at church. There's a young girl who attends my ward and she is very hard of hearing and uses sign language to communicate. Only her mother can sign and I don't think anyone else at church knows how. I would like to learn sign language so that I might be able to accept a calling to primary or young women's and be able to include that child without her mom having to miss her calling to translate for her. I think it would be something nice to do.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Cornell Notes

cornell notes are a great way to record information you are learning about so you can effectively review it later. As I read the Book of Mormon this past week, I tried writing down a few Cornell notes. I was able to share what I learned more easily to a friend who has never read the Book of Mormon. It proved an effective way to assist me I. Learning and also in teaching someone else.